Special Invite for Friends of Zoe Marshall

Four NOWism sessions for only $100 

 Our weekly NOWism online classes are the perfect vibrational tuneup to keep you actively participating in your growth and staying focused on possibilities instead of problems! With different topics each week and a completely organic style of delivery, you will love our open classes and the powerful vibrational support it will bring to your life. Bring your questions, or just bring your ears – maintain your high vibe and activate more of your potential this year! 

What is this?

  • 4 weeks (4 x one hour sessions) of NOWism inspiration.  Live and recorded.
  • Open Q&A with Kat Dawes
  • Mindful Life Hacks to continue becoming more of who you really are!  
  • Connection with like-minded kick-ass NOW NiNJAZ! These are individuals who believe in possibilities and are saying YES! to moving towards greater days!  
  • Inspiration and momentum.
  • Recordings of all our sessions. Video & Audio. 


 LIVE CLASSES held on ZOOM starting at the beginning of each month.


DEFAULT TIMES unless otherwise notified by Kat:

USA, Los Angeles 2pm OR 3pm (Saturday) DEPENDING ON DAYLIGHT SAVINGS

AUSTRALIA, Brisbane 8am. (Sunday) 

*Times and days may vary - thanks for you flexibility! 


If you cannot attend the live classes you will receive both a video and audio recording of our sessions. 


See you there! ∞ Kat Dawes!


*These sessions were originally offered to individuals who have either completed the game of NOWism or private coaching with Kat, however, Kat would like to offer this to a broader audience to assist you to get the necessary time with this practice to start to see lasting results.  


4 x Sessions for $100

 Craving to go deeper? 


Manifestation. Deliberate Creation. Activation. Vision.


It's time to take yourself to the next level. No, this isn't just about vision boards or mantras. This is about crafting the life you desire and becoming the highest version of yourself.  It takes work. It really does.  You have to rebuild your energy and mindset from the inside out. 

It is easier with a roadmap – I will help you do it. 

For the friends and fans of Zoe Marshall and The Deep, I am offering a limited availability to not only access my entire curriculum The Game of NOWism – a 12 module roadmap to manifestation but also one on one time with me, personally, to assist you to tailor create the road map so that you get from where you are to where you want to be.  I have spent around 10 years working wth the amazing Zoe Marshall, assisting her to become the right condition to manifest a variety of things, from the current house she is living in, to TV and radio gigs in the earlier days.  Zoe and I agreed it will be brilliant to offer you an entry into what we have been doing together for the past decade.  

Please note this limited offer is ONLY for individuals who are ready to do what it takes to create lasting transformation. 



Deep Dive with Kat Dawes

Dive deep into your transformation with Kat Dawes as your personal guide. 

This is a no BS ALL-IN program to get aligned and start an unstoppable momentum. It takes practice to start thinking and feeling differently.  I help you do this. My intensive programs includes the entire curriculum of The Game of NOWism plus multiple one hour sessions with me.  Voice notes 3-8 mins long on WhatsApp to assist you to stay accountable. I inspire you to create a NOWism Game Plan tailored to what you need to work on.  I will help you see your blind spots, ask you questions, and ultimately unlock your manifestation power.  We develop tools for your consciousness – crafted to your specifics. This includes helping you write new language etc and develop new habits. You will receive homework/worksheets/assignments to dive deeper.  

Who Do You Need To Become
In Order For Your Dreams To Come True? 

The truth is, we all loose it some of the time, we all get angry some of the time, we all eat crap food some of the time, but ‘some of the time’ isn’t your issue. It is choices that you keep repeating over and over in the now… that become most of the time. Life is a bunch of now’s and to get lasting results you have to get consistent. No success or failures happen over night- they are all the coagulation of choices, behaviours and actions that we have made over a series of moments – time. This moment and this moment and this moment. NOW. 

To enter into this program I invite you to fill out the coaching questionnaire and book a 20 minute call with me to discuss your options. 

*** ALL COACHING PACKAGES are no less than 3k only serious inquires apply (payment plans available)


Apply NOW!




Participate at your own pace. This 12 + module, complete NOWism curriculum, is a step by step guide to building a new momentum, energy and mindset – from the inside out. Loaded with wisdom and catchy memorable practices, you will learn how to become the right condition for your dreams to come true.  

Build a toolbox for your consciousness. 

Kat's full curriculum, The Game of NOWism, is a spiritual/mindfulness curriculum which takes you on a deep adventure into the hidden magic of your average day.  Assigning you to a mission to 'save the Present Moment' from habitual negativity and mindless thought pollution, The Game of NOWism teaches you how to become unbothered by the external world, water the garden of your own potential and ultimately activate more of your potential!  This leading edge program teaches you how to 'gamify' your mindfulness/manifestation practice, which inspires a longer term success rate with 'sticking to the practice' for long enough to create lasting change. 



This is a game for your consciousness which you design into YOUR day.








JOIN NOW! $555

Level up your life with

The Game of NOWism:

Where mindfulness meets manifestation for lasting transformation.

A 12 + Module Online Journey Into Conscious Living.


Explore The Game of NOWism in a 12-module online experience—a deep dive into conscious living at your own pace and on your schedule. Engage with each module, unlocking the secrets of mindful living step by step.

  • Mastering Your Reality: Understand the profound truth that you are the creator of your reality, uncovering the subtle ways you may be doing so unintentionally.
  • Shifting Focus to Possibilities: Learn the art of focusing on possibilities over problems, cultivating a mindset that opens doors to endless opportunities.

  • Halting Negative Momentum: Learn easy to remember techniques to intercept negative thoughts before they gain momentum, ensuring you stay in control of your mental landscape.

  • Cultivating Alkaline Thinking: Develop 'alkaline' ways of thinking and feeling, fostering a positive and balanced mindset that propels you toward success.

  • Vibrational Mastery: Realise the paramount importance of looking after your vibration, recognising it as the key to a fulfilling and harmonious life.

  • Navigating Relationships: Gain tools to gracefully deal with 'other people,' navigating through toxic conversations and behaviours with ease.

  • Shedding Limiting Thoughts: Learn how to drop thoughts that no longer serve you, freeing yourself from mental constraints that hinder your growth.

  • Letting Go of the Past: Discover effective methods to wash your hands of the past, allowing for a fresh start unburdened by previous experiences.

  • Optimising Best Case Scenarios: Hone the skill of rehearsing your best-case scenarios, paving the way for success and positive outcomes.

  • Reframing Challenges: Master the art of reframing challenging situations, cutting to the chase, and leveraging them as opportunities for personal growth.

  •  Demystifying Manifestation: Understand why you may not be getting what you want and explore the concrete process of manifestation to turn desires into reality.

  • Consistent Inspiration: Learn strategies to stay consistently inspired, ensuring sustained motivation and enthusiasm in your daily life.

  • Unveiling Your True Purpose: Embark on a journey to discover your true purpose, aligning your actions with a deeper sense of meaning and fulfilment.

  • Revolutionising Spiritual Practice: Explore a new way to approach your spiritual practice, integrating NOWism language and conscious culture into your daily life.